Whose ears are these?

During this period I teach animals to my students and looking after some teaching resources, I found some interesting ones.

You’ll have the animals vocabulary, the interrogative `Whose?`, the genitive case and an interactive game. 4 in 1…sounds perfect for me:)

Here is the first game: Whose feet are these? Download here: http://www.kizclub.com/Topics/animals/whosefeet(C).pdf

The second one: Whose ears are these? Download here: http://www.kizclub.com/Topics/animals/whoseears(C).pdf

The third one: Whose footprints are these? Download here: http://www.kizclub.com/Topics/animals/footprint(C).pdf

Have fun teaching! Always 🙂


Animalele de la fermă în versuri


        Pentru că am adunat deja muuulte poezii despre animalele drăguţe de la fermă, le voi posta aici repejor ca să-i învăţaţi şi pe puşti. Selectaţi-le în funcţie de grupă şi de nivelul copiilor. Poeziile alese trebuie să fie uşor de învăţat şi simpatice. Cu cât copiii le vor îndrăgi mai mult cu atât le vor învăţa mai uşor. Dacă aveţi şi alte poezii, nu ezitataţi să le împărtăşiţi….cu ocazia asta vreau să mulţumesc acelora dintre voi care aduc idei şi materiale noi :). Să-nceapă rima!


Five eggs and five eggs,
(Hold up two hands)
That makes ten;
Sitting on top is the Mother Hen.
(Fold one hand over the other)
Crackle, crackle, crackle;
(Clap three times)
What do I see?
Ten fluffy chickens
(Hold up 10 fingers)
As yellow as can be.



Look, look, look (shade eyes)
Three ducks in a brook. (Hold up three fingers)
One is white, and one is brown.
One is swimming upside down.
(Point to a finger each time)
Look, look, look
Three ducks in a brook. (Hold up three fingers)


Horses, donkeys, cows that moo,
Chickens, kittens, piglets too,
Fish that swim down in the pond,
Ducklings quacking all day long.
All these animals you can see
If you go to the farm with me.



All around the barnyard
The animals are fast asleep.
Sleeping cows and horses,
Sleeping pigs and sheep.

Here comes the cocky rooster
To sound his daily alarm.
Wake up sleepy farm!”


Sun is coming up
Farmer’s out the door,
He will go to milk the cows,
And start his daily chores.
Sun is going down
Horse is in the stable,
All the fields are planted now,
Supper’s on the table.


How come a cow
Never says „Ow!”
Whenever there’s milking to do?
It doesn’t say „Ow!”
For it pleases the cow,
So instead, the cow says „Moo!”


Duck in the water, quack, quack, quack!
Soft, white feathers on your back, back, back!
Duck in the water, splash and splish!
Dip in your bill and catch those fish!

Duck out of water, walk on land.
Your webbed feet make it hard to stand!
Waddle with your family, waddle in a pack.
Duck out of water, quack, quack, quack!


„It is time for my piggies to go to bed,”
The nice, big, fat mother pig said.
„So I will count them first to see
If they have all come back to me.
One little piggie, two little piggies,
Three little piggies dear.
Four little piggies, five little piggies.
Yes, they are all here!
Why, they are the cutest piggies alive.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5!”


Sheep are rather bashful,
Sheep are rather shy.
I asked a sheep the reason
but it wouldn’t say why.


The turkey is a funny bird
Its head goes bobble-bobble;
And all he knows is just one word…
And that is


(tune:  Take Me Out to the Ballgame)
by Judy Hall

Take me out to the barnyard.
Take me out there right now.
Show me the cows, pigs and horses, too.
I hear an oink and a neigh and a moo.
There are chickens laying their eggs.
If they don’t lay it’s a shame.
Oh, it’s one, two, three eggs today,
And I’m glad I came.


By Vicki Witcher

Hens give eggs.
Pigs give ham.
Cows give milk.
Strawberries give jam.

Bees give honey.
Goats give cheese.
Farms give food,
I’d like some, please.


(Tune:  5 Little Speckled Frogs)

Five cows all black and white
Chewed their cud from day to night
So they could give milk sweet and pure.
Squirt! Squirt!
One left the barn one day
So she could find more hay
Then there were 4 cows all black and white.
Moo! Moo!


Ten pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest pigs you’ve ever seen!
Wanted to go outside and play
Snort!  Snort!
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a great big THUD! (slap thighs)
Then there were nine clean squeaky pigs.
Oink!  Oink!


Five white and fluffy sheep
In the pasture fast asleep
Their wool kept them cozy all night long.
Snore!  Snore!
The farmed slipped away with one
And sheared the wool till he was done
Then there were 4 white fluffy sheep.
Baa!  Baa!


(Tune:  Old MacDonald Had a Farm)

Mrs. _______ had a farm
A  B  C  D  E
Letters, letters in the hay
F  G  H  I  J

With a K  L  M,  N  O  P
Pigs and ducks and bumblebees..

Q  R  S  T  U  and  V
W  X  Y  Z


How come a cow
Never says „Ow!”
Whenever there’s milking to do?
It doesn’t say „Ow!”
For it pleases the cow,
So instead, the cow says „Moo!”


I have never seen a purple cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow,
I’d rather see, than be one.

Din păcate mai am adresa doar a unuia dintre site-urile de unde am luat poeziile: http://www.kinderkorner.com/farm.html

P.S.: Love this site www.pigs.it

THE FARM ANIMALS – a story by Rolando Merino for his son Rollie

Sursa: http://kiddyhouse.com/Farm/

The animals that live in a farm all make special sounds….



Neiiiigh.......! There is a horse that goes NEIGH…NEIGH…
and gallops around.



MOO... There is a cow that goes MOO…..and makes the milk for children to drink.



OINK....OINK....OINK.... There is the Piggy; he goes OINK, OINK, OINK.



BAAA....BAAA... There is the sheep, it has a wooly coat and goes BAA, BAA, BAA…



QUACK..QUACK... Here is the Duck, he goes QUACK….QUACK….



CLUCK...CLUCK... This is the chicken. It makes the eggs for the children to eat. It goes CLUCK…CLUCK….CLUCK….



BEH....BEH...BEH Here is the goat. It makes milk and cheese, and it goes BEH….BEH….BEH…..



this is the end, hope you liked it, Rolando

There’s no farm without Old McDonald


Lectia despre animale este atât  de bogată în resurse încât le voi lua pe rând, ca să nu uit ceva. Azi o să postez câteva cântecele faimoase despre animale.

1. Old McDonald had a farmOLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM


2. This Little Piggy


3.  Five Little Ducks


4.  Baa Baa Black Sheep


La fiecare dintre cântece, este important să mimaţi cât mai mult. În felul ăsta, copiii vor fi atenţi la voi şi vor reţine mai uşor cuvintele noi. Have fun! 🙂


There’s a party AT THE FARM

Peste tot se aude că animalele domestice nu mai sunt deloc…domestice. Acum ca a venit frigul, s-au închis în hambar, au dat boxele la maxim si petrec. Sunt foarte sigură că picii vor fi tare curiosi sa afle cum le cheamă pe animale.

Este important ca atunci când le facem cunoştinţă cu ele să nu folosim diminutive, pentru că unii dintre ei ar putea crede că este vorba despre două animale diferite. Deci, oricât de mult veţi vrea să spuneţi oiţă, încercaţi să vă limitaţi la banala oaie.

Să nu mai zăbovim şi să introducem vedetele în scenă: DOMESTIC ANIMALS

Cat-Pisică Horse-Cal
Dog- Câine Colt-Mînz
Mare-Iapă Stallion-Armăsar
Goat-Capră Pig-Porc
Cow-Vacă Sow-Scroafă
Bull-Taur Duck-Raţă
Rabbit-Iepure Goose-Gîscă


Ox-Bou, Bivol Rooster -Cocoş
Donkey-Măgar Hen-Găină

Vom folosi si imagini, ca să-şi amintească de această petrecere copii:

Animals_Farm_Cards, Animals_Farm_Cards, Animals_Farm_Cards_Small-1, Farm_Animal_Lesson