Tooth Fairy Day games and printables

Today we celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day. If you are lucky enough to lose a tooth today, maybe Tooth Fairy will be far more generous than usual :).

Here sre some printables, games and activities to celebrate.

  1. Free printable Tooth Fairy Letters (from



    2. Race to Lose a Tooth: A Counting Game (from

lose a tooth counting game

3. Tooth Fairy Learning Pack (from

4. Teeth Game (

Happy Tooth Fairy Day!




Complete FROZEN kit for Holidays

How else to spend the winter break if not with your favourite characters?

Click on the pictures below, print and Happy Holidays! 🙂

Frozen – movie worksheet

frozen 2

Frozen  – Movie vocabulary

frozen 1

Snow Queen

frozen 3

Frozen Activity Sheets

frozen 4

Frozen Colouring Pages from Disney

frozen 5

Free Frozen Learning Pack

frozen 6

Free Frozen Alphabet Cards

frozen 7



Whose ears are these?

During this period I teach animals to my students and looking after some teaching resources, I found some interesting ones.

You’ll have the animals vocabulary, the interrogative `Whose?`, the genitive case and an interactive game. 4 in 1…sounds perfect for me:)

Here is the first game: Whose feet are these? Download here:

The second one: Whose ears are these? Download here:

The third one: Whose footprints are these? Download here:

Have fun teaching! Always 🙂


A trip in the mountains

Who’s ready for an adventure?

Pack your bags because we’re going to a mountain trip. 

Take a pair of boots and warm clothes, a tent and a sleeping bag, the first aid kit, a life vest, a flashlight and a whistle. Don’t forget about the camera to take amazing pictures and a big smile on your face.


The story begins with M., her father and sister and myself. M drew a map for the road, we got into the car and the adventure began. We laughed, we sang happy songs and we even stopped and went fishing for lunch.

But after we had entered the magic forest, something happened. 3 pairs of eyes were shining in the dark: a wolf, a fox and a bear. They were all watching us and they were decided not to let us pass, so we had to come up with a solution to flee from them…


And the story can go on for several posts :)). To sum up, just print the flashcards below and you can have a great English class revising the vocabulary, learning new words and imagining all sort of stories.

Click to download the Camping- flashcards & Camping- categorizing. Sursa:




First reading lessons

My kids are growing so we’ve started the first reading lessons in English. These are really amazing lessons so enjoy them as much as you can.


I’ve gathered some websites for making the process more fun. So check them out:

Reading Bear: all free, online activities, fun, easy to use, totally recomand it

Clarkness: free stories and eBooks for the beginning reader

Kiz Phonics: part-free, online & printing, coloured, smart, applications

Duo Lingo: free, application, on-line, efficient, game structured

Starfall: free, online, entertaining, audio

We Give Books: free on-line books, infinite books, charity, best website ever

Enjoy reading!


DESENE ANIMATE & BRANDURI la ora de engleza


  1. Facebook: FACE – faţă + BOOK – cartea
  2. Like – a plăcea
  3.  Weekend: WEEK – săptămâna + END – sfârşit
  4. Milka: MILK – lapte
  5. Lion – leu
  6. Teddy – ursulet
  7. Red Bull: RED – rosu + BULL – taur
  8. 7 Days: SEVEN – sapte + DAYS – zile
  9. Milkshake: MILK – lapte + SHAKE – a agita
  10. Fresh – proaspat
  11. Cheesecake: CHEESE – branza + CAKE – prajitura
  12. Full – plin
  13. Fast-Food: FAST – rapid + FOOD – mâncare
  14. Supermarket: MARKET – piaţă
  15. Hobby – pasiune
  16. Mail – posta
  17. Popcorn: CORN – PORUMB
  18. Mickey Mouse: MOUSE – şoarece
  19. Donald Duck: DUCK – rată
  20. Bugs Bunny: BUNNY – iepuras
  21. Sponge – burete
  22. Angry Birds: ANGRY – furios + BIRDS – pasari
  23. Spiderman: SPIDER – paianjen + MAN – barbat
  24. Batman: BAT – liliac
  25. Football: FOOT – picior + BALL – minge
  26. Handball: HAND – picior + BALL – minge
  27. Handsfree: HANDS – maini + FREE – liber

Why God Made Teachers

by Kevin William Huff


When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.

When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What’s right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.

Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.

Icebreaker activities for back to kindergarten

Illustration of Kids Playing Catch

I’ll get to know you

  1. The teacher (ahead of time) tapes either a big button with a letter of the alphabet underneath the child’s desk. The teacher would make sure that there are 2 of each letter and then space out the letters.
  2. Example, under Johnny’s desk a button would have the letter “A” written on it, and then across the room, under Brenda’s desk, there would be another button with the letter “A”.
  3. When the teacher rings the bell, the children scurry to find their match and then must find out 2 facts about the person.
  4. After everyone has found their match, the children would sit in a big circle to introduce their new friend and tell the class two facts about the person.

Hello, Hello Icebreaker. Printable Pdf here: Hello_hello_icebreaker

  1. Firstly the kids look through the pictures on the Icebreaker printable, decide which ones they can do and colour them in. They might choose only a few things or they might decide they can do everything! Hopefully they’ll take time to chat with the kids around them while they’re doing this.
  2. Then, as a group, ask the children what they can do. They might like to add other special abilities such as break dancing, jumping like a frog or going cross-eyed. For the song they’ll each need to choose two activities (that have one or two syllables) or one activity (with more than three syllables) to fit into the ‘I can….’ line of the song. For example, ‘I can click and hop,’ or ‘I can build a sandcastle.’



A Kiss for the Kids!
All students start this activity in a seated position. Then the teacher will give the following, or similar, instructions for students to follow:

  • If you traveled this summer, stand up.
  • If you have a brother, sit down.
  • If you are the youngest of all the children in your family, stand up.
  • If you own a pet, sit down.
  • If you have a sister, stand up.
  • If your family owns a computer, sit down.
  • If you live in an apartment, stand up.
  • If this is your first year in this school, sit down.
  • If you are in ____ grade, stand up. (Fill in the blank with your grade; all students will stand.)
  • If you were kissed by someone this morning, sit down.

At this point in the activity give a (chocolate) kiss to all those who are standing and say, „We all need a kiss a day!”


Cele mai faine idei de la seminarul de parenting oferit de Parentime #AjungemMari

mirunaMarti am participat la un superseminar oferit de Miruna Patrascu, una dintre fondatoarele Parentime, pentru Ajungem Mari.

Miruna a fost asaltata de intrebari de catre voluntarii care desfasoara activitati in centrele de plasament si dupa mai mult de doua ore in care a avut rabdarea sa ne impartaseasca din cunostintele ei, am fi stat in continuare sa o ascultam. A fost pur si simplu minunata :), ne-a oferit solutii la probleme ca violenta intre copii, metode de captarea atentiei, idei de jocuri si activitati de cooperare, notiuni de educatie emotionala si multe altlele pentru care ii multumim.

Mai jos, o sa punctez cele mai importante informatii, care sigur va vor fi de ajutor in activitatea cu cei mici:

  1. Jocul este metoda cea mai eficienta de a ne apropia de copii, cat si de invatare. Jocul acceseaza invatarea intuitiva, de aceea cunostintele sunt asimilate si pastrate mult mai simplu; Pana la 12 ani, jocul este principala metoda de invatare; Jocul este si o forma de terapie;
  2. Inainte de a incepe predarea propriu-zisa, se recomanda sa petrecem 10 minute cu copiii in care sa ne jucam ca si cum nu vrem sa ii invatam nimic (ABSOLUT NIMIC);
  3. Putem folosi aceste 10 min si pentru jocuri de apropiere;
  4. Jocurile DE COOPERARE, si nu cele COMPETITIVE, ne ajuta sa construim relatia intre educator si copii cat si intre copii. De multe ori intre copii sunt tensiuni si aceste jocuri ii aproprie;
  5. Jocurile de oglindire sunt cel mai rapid mod de a crea conexiune cu cei mici;
  6. Inventarea unui salut propriu cu fiecare dintre copii (ei il propun si ne invata – e recomandat sa il invatam, cat mai greu…:)));
  7. In functie de problemele identificate la nivelul grupului, GOOGLE search jocuri pentru rezolvarea lor: jocuri de cooperare, jocuri pentru cresterea rezistentei la frustrare, jocuri pentru cresterea stimei de sine.
  8. MANCATORUL DE FRUSTRARI – cutia in care cei mici sunt rugati sa-si abandoneze frustrarile. Le vor scrie/desena, fara sa le semneze, apoi le vor introduce in mancatorul de frustrari. O data pe luna, fiecare copil alege o frustrare scrisa de el, ceilalti sunt rugati sa sculte fara sa intrerupa apoi sa ofere solutii fara sa jigneasca.
  9. Pana la 7 ani, copiii nu dezvolta capacitatea de a pierde, de aceea e de preferat sa nu-i punem in situatii in care sa experimenteze esecul.
  10. , solutii eficiente impotriva violentei;
  11. Alphie Kohn, Daniel Siegel, cativa dintre marii autori citati de Miruna.

Pentru resurse si filmulete gratuite pe teme de parenting, accesati site-ul: si pagina de facebook: